Did you know?


If you go to your doctor because you can’t get or maintain an erection, you’ll probably get a heart test, too.

Erectile dysfunction serves as an early red-flag for heart problems. That’s because the tiny blood vessels in the penis can sustain damage before larger veins and arteries.

Holter Monitoring

Holter monitoring is a procedure that uses a Holter monitor to keep track of the heart rhythm. Doctors can use the device to keep track of the patient’s heart function if one is experiencing heart problems or may think that there may be a problem. The device has electrodes and electrical leads exactly like a regular ECG that are attached to the patient for 12 to 48 hours to record the heart’s rate and rhythm as the patient goes to its normal daily routine. Aside from recording the patient’s heart rate and rhythm, the device can pick up when the patient feels chest pains or exhibit symptoms of an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia.

Ambulatory Electrocardiogram

Another name called for Holter monitoring, ambulatory ECG, 24-hour ECG, or cardiac event monitoring.

48-Hours Holter Monitoring

For 48 hours, the Holter monitor continuously records the patient’s heart rate and rhythm.

24-Hour Holter Monitoring

Twenty-four hour Holter monitoring is a continuous test to record the patient’s heart rate and rhythm for 24 hours.



There will be no need for any special preparation to be made upon taking up the test. It is important to take a shower before the test for the patient won’t be able to once the device is attached. The patient will be instructed on how to replace the electrodes if they get loosed or fall after the device is attached to the patient.


During Test

The device is attached to the patient for 12 to 48 hours depending on the physician’s recommendation. While the test is painless, there may be an uncomfortable skin reaction to the sticky electrodes if the patient has allergic reactions.



The patient needs to return to the doctor’s office to have the Holter monitor removed after the recommended testing duration had passed. The attending physician will read the patient’s activity journal and analyze the results of the monitor. The patient may need to undergo a further test before a diagnosis can be made depending on the results of the initial test.

During Holter Monitoring

The patient will wear the Holter monitor at all times even while sleeping during the entire test duration. While the device is attached, the patient can still continue to do its normal daily routine aside from taking a shower or a bath. It is important to keep the device dry and the electrodes not loosed during the test duration. The patient is also asked to keep a record or a diary of activities while wearing the monitor. A form or a booklet may be given to the patient to write down important information. The patient should write down the time, the activity made, and any symptoms they feel during the test.


06:46 AM – Woke up, feeling a little bit dizzy.

07:30 AM – Breakfast, feeling normal.

08:00 AM – Goes for a walk with our dog.

08:45 AM – Feeling dizzy, takes a rest.

09:00 AM – Dizziness stops.

Understanding your heart

Six Important Things About Your Heart

Adult heart beats about 10,000 times each day 01.

Do the math, and that’s at least about one beat per second, or 60 to 100 times per minute, according to American Heart Association.

Age and fitness level affect your heart rate 02.

Generally, as children grow or adults get fitter, the heart rates gets slower.

Heart disease isn’t only the number one killer of men, it’s also the top killer for women 03.

Your heart doesn’t care if you’re from Mars or Venus.

Dr Janssens Consulting Services

04. Want to know how big your heart is? Make a fist.

Heart size depends on the size of the person as well as the condition of their heart. Generally speaking, a healthy heart is about the size of the person’s fist.

05. Your heart rate drops while you sleep.

At night, it’s common for heart rates to drop below 60bpm.

06. Heart attack symptoms are different for men and women.

Although heart disease is an equal opportunity killer, symptoms of heart attack show up differently in men versus women.

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